Choosing Not to Speak

An effort to talk less and do more by Quaison David Carter

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Working More and Talking Less

Posted by Revolving magnum condom filler

So I haven't written in this blog for some time now and there is a good reason for this. Apart from school out to destroy anything that is left of my brain; I've been making some serious headway towards my life goals. The whole purpose for me writing a blog was to aid me in polishing my skills as an aspiring copywriter. Being completely resolved in my career decision I have taken another step in my quest to be a words smith. I have created copy and spec advertisements for real products. This is part of my whole "talk less do more" manifesto. And in order for me to get into the advertising industry I think I'm gonna have to make some ads somewhere along the lines.
I teamed up with a buddy of mine who is good with Photoshop and had him take my concepts (image and copy) to be put into the quintessential form of communicating to an audience. The print ad. So without further ado; here is my first pint ad. There is always more to come.

Head: Life, One Glass at a Time

Body:Good Health and Beauty come in all forms. Islkar Norwegian Glacial Water is the purest form of all.
Naturally filtered through a bed of glacier ice and hard aquifer rock, Isklar provides the cleanest purest most beautiful natural spring water known to man.

Now presenting... Health, Beauty, Life

Subhead: Isklar Norwegian Mineral Glacial Water


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