Choosing Not to Speak

An effort to talk less and do more by Quaison David Carter

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Three Haircut Rule

Posted by Revolving magnum condom filler

As a black man in america there is only so much that one can tolerate when it comes to certain service that we are provided. The main one for us is our hair.

Black women are notoriously known for the importance of how their hair looks. Whether it be Shaniqua refusing sex from from her partner because she, "doesn't want to sweat out her perm" or just the overall daily maintenance a black women puts into her well loved locks. Which at times can be comparable to the maintenance of a car, oil and all.

A lesser known fact, however, is that black men are equally as anal about their hair as black women. Some people think that cutting a black man's hair must be the easiest thing in the world (turn on the blade and shave)? No! The Caesar (Our cut of choice) is by far the most frightening thing a barber has to deal with in his life.

I know what some of you may be thinking, " dude it cant be that hard" but I will explain. The key to a quality Caesar is in the Shape Up. The perfectly proportioned lines that give definition to our presence and provide the "swag" that you here so much about on BET.

There is a natural law to those shape ups: "You are only allowed one bad shape up before you look like a walking advertisement for Mcdonalds". For other races, any time you get bad haircut you may be be able to recover after two weeks or so, but for the Black American as well as the Latino you are only allotted three barber fuck ups in your life time. Once you go over you are stuck looking like a child with ring worm that never went away. Ever notice that black people don't just go to any barber?

Pay attention to all the black people you see walking around completely bald and then you realize the magnitude of this rule.


John everret said...

Always have two barbers till the day you die. Aint no one touching my hair but them

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